This Massage Ball Puts All Others to Shame

Remember your teenage years where a simple stretch before and after any physical activity seemed more than enough for recovery? The body just doesn’t seem to recover as effectively even in your 20s, let alone in your 30s, 40s, and beyond. Once you approach middle age, just getting up off the floor or out of bed can be filled with groans and grunts. The sad fact is…your muscles need a lot more attention and on a regular basis. 

Massage balls and foam rollers can help pinpoint some areas where acupressure is needed, but how often do you feel that these off-the-shelf products simply aren’t going deep enough?  What is the best massage ball?

Enter “The Meteor” from MyoStorm.

Your Own Personal, Little Massage Therapist

Blonde woman using Meteor massage ball on her lower back while sitting on the couch.

Look, we’ve used massage balls for years now, and the Meteor is absolutely revolutionary! If you’re like me and are stubborn about going to see a massage therapist, then this little massage ball will become your new best friend. 

This massage ball is roughly the size of a small cantaloupe, making it the ideal gym bag companion. Such a small size also increases its ability to better target sore and tender spots. It provides needed heat therapy to improve blood circulation in sensitive or sore areas in addition to soothing vibrations, which can decrease muscle stiffness by 50% after only 30 seconds of use. But trust me, you’ll want to use it for much longer. The muscle relief is astounding.

The Meteor massage ball was developed by engineers and athletes to provide everyone access to chronic pain relief and reduced muscle stiffness.

Get the Most Out of Your Workouts

Man using Meteor massage ball on lower back after a workout at the gym.

The Meteor’s uses are extensive, to say the least. Whether you’re a regular at the gym or looking to get a jump start on those New Years’ resolutions, the Meteor is ideal for any warmup. Target those sensitive areas with a quick treatment from this massage ball to better prevent injury and improve blood flow for maximum performance. 

Once you’re done with your workout or physical activity, simply use the Meteor on those tight and inflamed muscles for a quicker, less painful recovery. 

Experience Some Needed Relief from Chronic Pain

If like me, you suffer from some chronic pain (I’ll never forgive you, lower back), then you really need this deep tissue massage ball. If regular visits to a massage therapist aren’t in the cards for you, then please, try out this heavenly gift. Your body will thank you.

Woman sweater holding lower back in discomfort while sitting in a chair.

The innovative vibration in the Meteor is unique in its ability to target nerve endings that often are the source of persistent or frequent pain sensations. You’ll find near-immediate relief from pain, and when paired with the Meteor’s self-heating ability, you may even find some healing you haven’t found in years. 

Here are some common chronic conditions that the Meteor may help relieve:

  • Tendinitis
  • Arthritis
  • Sciatica
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Back/Neck Pain

Accelerate Recovery from Injuries and Surgeries

Common strains, sprains, and pulls are all too frequent if you lead an active lifestyle. We’ve already covered how the Meteor is designed to target sore muscles, so using it to recover from these common injuries is a no-brainer.

Surgery often leaves you with muscle tightness and pain. Depending on the surgery, you should ask your doctor if something like the Meteor can help alleviate some of that pain and even speed up your recovery. Though I can’t emphasize this enough, please consult with your doctor to determine the best route to recovery without causing further complications. 

Ready to Give the Meteor a Try?

Full transparency…this is not a sponsored post. At Healthy Joker, we’re always on the lookout for products and programs that we feel will benefit our readers. The Meteor is one of those products. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve needed that deep tissue massage on the go or at home. If you relate, then the Meteor may very well be worth your while.

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